3.0.0-alpha.4 Alpha
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<wa-breadcrumb> Since 2.0 stable

Breadcrumbs provide a group of links so users can easily navigate a website's hierarchy.

Breadcrumbs are usually placed before a page's main content with the current page shown last to indicate the user's position in the navigation.

Catalog Clothing Women's Shirts & Tops
  <wa-breadcrumb-item>Shirts &amp; Tops</wa-breadcrumb-item>


By default, breadcrumb items are rendered as buttons so you can use them to navigate single-page applications. In this case, you'll need to add event listeners to handle clicks.

For websites, you'll probably want to use links instead. You can make any breadcrumb item a link by applying an href attribute to it. Now, when the user activates it, they'll be taken to the corresponding page — no event listeners required.

Homepage Our Services Digital Media Web Design
  <wa-breadcrumb-item href="https://example.com/home">Homepage</wa-breadcrumb-item>

  <wa-breadcrumb-item href="https://example.com/home/services">Our Services</wa-breadcrumb-item>

  <wa-breadcrumb-item href="https://example.com/home/services/digital">Digital Media</wa-breadcrumb-item>

  <wa-breadcrumb-item href="https://example.com/home/services/digital/web-design">Web Design</wa-breadcrumb-item>


Use the prefix slot to add content before any breadcrumb item.

Home Articles Traveling
    <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="house" variant="solid"></wa-icon>


Use the suffix slot to add content after any breadcrumb item.

Documents Policies Security
    <wa-icon slot="suffix" name="shield" variant="solid"></wa-icon>

Custom Separators

Use the separator slot to change the separator that goes between breadcrumb items. Icons work well, but you can also use text or an image.

First Second Third
First Second Third
/ First Second Third
  <wa-icon slot="separator" name="angles-right" variant="solid"></wa-icon>

<br />

  <wa-icon slot="separator" name="arrow-right" variant="solid"></wa-icon>

<br />

  <span slot="separator">/</span>

Custom Colors

Breadcrumb labels match the color set on <wa-breadcrumb-item>. Prefixes, suffixes, and separators can be styled using CSS parts.

Home Articles Traveling
  .redcrumbs wa-breadcrumb-item {
    color: firebrick;
  .redcrumbs wa-breadcrumb-item:last-of-type {
    color: crimson;
  .redcrumbs wa-breadcrumb-item::part(separator) {
    color: pink;
  .redcrumbs wa-breadcrumb-item::part(prefix),
  .redcrumbs wa-breadcrumb-item::part(suffix) {
    color: currentColor;
<wa-breadcrumb class="redcrumbs">
    <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="house" variant="solid"></wa-icon>

With Dropdowns

Dropdown menus can be placed in the default slot to provide additional options.

Homepage Web Design Web Development Marketing Our Services Digital Media
      <wa-button slot="trigger" size="small" appearance="tinted" pill>
        <wa-icon label="More options" name="ellipsis" variant="solid"></wa-icon>
        <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" checked>Web Design</wa-menu-item>
        <wa-menu-item type="checkbox">Web Development</wa-menu-item>
        <wa-menu-item type="checkbox">Marketing</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-breadcrumb-item>Our Services</wa-breadcrumb-item>
  <wa-breadcrumb-item>Digital Media</wa-breadcrumb-item>

Alternatively, you can place dropdown menus in a prefix or suffix slot.

Homepage Our Services Digital Media Web Design Web Design Web Development Marketing
  <wa-breadcrumb-item>Our Services</wa-breadcrumb-item>
  <wa-breadcrumb-item>Digital Media</wa-breadcrumb-item>
    Web Design
    <wa-dropdown slot="suffix">
      <wa-button slot="trigger" size="small" appearance="tinted" pill>
        <wa-icon label="More options" name="ellipsis" variant="solid"></wa-icon>
        <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" checked>Web Design</wa-menu-item>
        <wa-menu-item type="checkbox">Web Development</wa-menu-item>
        <wa-menu-item type="checkbox">Marketing</wa-menu-item>


Name Description
(default) One or more breadcrumb items to display.
separator The separator to use between breadcrumb items. Works best with <wa-icon>.


Name Description Reflects
The label to use for the breadcrumb control. This will not be shown on the screen, but it will be announced by screen readers and other assistive devices to provide more context for users.
Type string
Default ''

CSS parts

Name Description
base The component's base wrapper.


This component automatically imports the following elements. Subdependencies, if any exist, will also be included in this list.


The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.

CDN npm React

To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.

import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.4/dist/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.js';
Coming soon! Coming soon!
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