3.0.0-alpha.4 Alpha
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Copy Button

<wa-copy-button> Since 2.7 experimental

Copies text data to the clipboard when the user clicks the trigger.

<wa-copy-button value="Web Awesome rocks!"></wa-copy-button>


Custom Labels

Copy Buttons display feedback in a tooltip. You can customize the labels using the copy-label, success-label, and error-label attributes.

  value="Custom labels are easy"
  copy-label="Click to copy"
  success-label="You did it!"
  error-label="Whoops, your browser doesn't support this!"

Custom Icons

Use the copy-icon, success-icon, and error-icon slots to customize the icons that get displayed for each state. You can use <wa-icon> or your own images.

<wa-copy-button value="Copied from a custom button">
  <wa-icon slot="copy-icon" name="clipboard" variant="regular"></wa-icon>
  <wa-icon slot="success-icon" name="thumbs-up" variant="solid"></wa-icon>
  <wa-icon slot="error-icon" name="xmark" variant="solid"></wa-icon>

Copying Values From Other Elements

Normally, the data that gets copied will come from the component's value attribute, but you can copy data from any element within the same document by providing its id to the from attribute.

When using the from attribute, the element's textContent will be copied by default. Passing an attribute or property modifier will let you copy data from one of the element's attributes or properties instead.

To copy data from an attribute, use from="id[attr]" where id is the id of the target element and attr is the name of the attribute you'd like to copy. To copy data from a property, use from="id.prop" where id is the id of the target element and prop is the name of the property you'd like to copy.

+1 (234) 456-7890

Web Awesome Website
<!-- Copies the span's textContent -->
<span id="my-phone">+1 (234) 456-7890</span>
<wa-copy-button from="my-phone"></wa-copy-button>


<!-- Copies the input's "value" property -->
<wa-input id="my-input" type="text" value="User input" style="display: inline-block; max-width: 300px;"></wa-input>
<wa-copy-button from="my-input.value"></wa-copy-button>


<!-- Copies the link's "href" attribute -->
<a id="my-link" href="https://shoelace.style/">Web Awesome Website</a>
<wa-copy-button from="my-link[href]"></wa-copy-button>

Handling Errors

A copy error will occur if the value is an empty string, if the from attribute points to an id that doesn't exist, or if the browser rejects the operation for any reason. When this happens, the wa-error event will be emitted.

This example demonstrates what happens when a copy error occurs. You can customize the error label and icon using the error-label attribute and the error-icon slot, respectively.

<wa-copy-button from="i-do-not-exist"></wa-copy-button>


Copy buttons can be disabled by adding the disabled attribute.

<wa-copy-button value="You can't copy me" disabled></wa-copy-button>

Changing Feedback Duration

A success indicator is briefly shown after copying. You can customize the length of time the indicator is shown using the feedback-duration attribute.

<wa-copy-button value="Web Awesome rocks!" feedback-duration="250"></wa-copy-button>

Custom Styles

You can customize the button to your liking with CSS.

<wa-copy-button value="I'm so stylish" class="custom-styles">
  <wa-icon slot="copy-icon" name="clipboard"></wa-icon>
  <wa-icon slot="success-icon" name="thumbs-up"></wa-icon>
  <wa-icon slot="error-icon" name="thumbs-down"></wa-icon>

  .custom-styles {
    --success-color: white;
    --error-color: white;
    color: white;

  .custom-styles::part(button) {
    background-color: #ff1493;
    border: solid 2px #ff7ac1;
    border-right-color: #ad005c;
    border-bottom-color: #ad005c;
    border-radius: 6px;
    transition: all var(--wa-transition-slow) var(--wa-transition-easing);

  .custom-styles::part(button):hover {
    transform: scale(1.05);

  .custom-styles::part(button):active {
    transform: translateY(1px);

  .custom-styles::part(button):focus-visible {
    outline: dashed 2px deeppink;
    outline-offset: 4px;


Name Description
copy-icon The icon to show in the default copy state. Works best with <wa-icon>.
success-icon The icon to show when the content is copied. Works best with <wa-icon>.
error-icon The icon to show when a copy error occurs. Works best with <wa-icon>.


Name Description Reflects
The text value to copy.
Type string
Default ''
An id that references an element in the same document from which data will be copied. If both this and value are present, this value will take precedence. By default, the target element's textContent will be copied. To copy an attribute, append the attribute name wrapped in square brackets, e.g. from="el[value]". To copy a property, append a dot and the property name, e.g. from="el.value".
Type string
Default ''
Disables the copy button.
Type boolean
Default false
A custom label to show in the tooltip.
Type string
Default ''
A custom label to show in the tooltip after copying.
Type string
Default ''
A custom label to show in the tooltip when a copy error occurs.
Type string
Default ''
The length of time to show feedback before restoring the default trigger.
Type number
Default 1000
The preferred placement of the tooltip.
Type 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left'
Default 'top'
Enable this option to prevent the tooltip from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with overflow: auto|hidden|scroll. Hoisting uses a fixed positioning strategy that works in many, but not all, scenarios.
Type boolean
Default false


Name Description
wa-copy Emitted when the data has been copied.
wa-error Emitted when the data could not be copied.

CSS custom properties

Name Description
The color of the button's background.
The color of the button's background on hover.
The color to use for success feedback.
The color to use for error feedback.

CSS parts

Name Description
button The internal <button> element.
copy-icon The container that holds the copy icon.
success-icon The container that holds the success icon.
error-icon The container that holds the error icon.
tooltip__base The tooltip's exported base part.
tooltip__base__popup The tooltip's exported popup part.
tooltip__base__arrow The tooltip's exported arrow part.
tooltip__body The tooltip's exported body part.


This component automatically imports the following elements. Subdependencies, if any exist, will also be included in this list.


The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.

CDN npm React

To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.

import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.4/dist/components/copy-button/copy-button.js';
Coming soon! Coming soon!
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