Dialogs, sometimes called "modals", appear above the page and require the user's immediate attention.
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header with-footer id="dialog-overview"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('#dialog-overview'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
Headers can be used to display titles and more. Use the with-header
attribute to add a header to the dialog.
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header class="dialog-header"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-header'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
Footers can be used to display titles and more. Use the with-footer
attribute to add a footer to the dialog.
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-footer class="dialog-footer"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-footer'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
You can add the special data-dialog="close"
attribute to a button inside the dialog to tell it to close without additional JavaScript. Alternatively, you can set the open
property to false
to close the dialog programmatically.
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header with-footer class="dialog-dismiss"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-dismiss'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
Just use the CSS width
property to set the dialog's width.
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header with-footer class="dialog-width" style="width: 50vw;"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-width'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
By design, a dialog's height will never exceed that of the viewport. As such, dialogs will not scroll with the page ensuring the header and footer are always accessible to the user.
Scroll down and give it a try! 👇
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header with-footer class="dialog-scrolling"> <div style="height: 150vh; border: dashed 2px var(--wa-color-surface-border); padding: 0 1rem;"> <p>Scroll down and give it a try! 👇</p> </div> <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-scrolling'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
The header shows a functional close button by default. You can use the header-actions
slot to add additional icon buttons if needed.
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header with-footer class="dialog-header-actions"> <wa-icon-button class="new-window" slot="header-actions" name="arrow-up-right-from-square" variant="solid"></wa-icon-button> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-header-actions'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; const newWindowButton = dialog.querySelector('.new-window'); openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); newWindowButton.addEventListener('click', () => window.open(location.href)); </script>
If you want the dialog to close when the user clicks on the overlay, add the light-dismiss
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" light-dismiss with-header with-footer class="dialog-light-dismiss"> This dialog will close when you click on the overlay. <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-light-dismiss'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
By default, dialogs will close when the user clicks the close button, clicks the overlay, or presses the Escape key. In most cases, the default behavior is the best behavior in terms of UX. However, there are situations where this may be undesirable, such as when data loss will occur.
To keep the dialog open in such cases, you can cancel the wa-hide
event. When canceled, the dialog will remain open and pulse briefly to draw the user's attention to it.
You can use event.detail.source
to determine which element triggered the request to close. This example prevents the dialog from closing when the overlay is clicked, but allows the close button or Escape to dismiss it.
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header with-footer class="dialog-deny-close"> This dialog will only close when you click the button below. <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Only this button will close it</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-deny-close'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; const closeButton = dialog.querySelector('wa-button[slot="footer"]'); openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); // Prevent the dialog from closing unless the close button was clicked dialog.addEventListener('wa-hide', event => { if (event.detail.source !== closeButton) { event.preventDefault(); } }); </script>
To give focus to a specific element when the dialog opens, use the autofocus
<wa-dialog label="Dialog" with-header with-footer class="dialog-focus"> <wa-input autofocus placeholder="I will have focus when the dialog is opened"></wa-input> <wa-button slot="footer" variant="brand" data-dialog="close">Close</wa-button> </wa-dialog> <wa-button>Open Dialog</wa-button> <script> const dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-focus'); const input = dialog.querySelector('wa-input'); const openButton = dialog.nextElementSibling; openButton.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.open = true); </script>
Learn more about using slots.
Name | Description |
(default) | The dialog's main content. |
The dialog's label. Alternatively, you can use the label attribute. |
Optional actions to add to the header. Works best with <wa-icon-button> . |
The dialog's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options. |
Learn more about attributes and properties.
Name | Description | Reflects | |
open open |
Indicates whether or not the dialog is open. You can toggle this attribute to show and hide the dialog, or you can
use the
show() and hide() methods and this attribute will reflect the dialog's open state.Type
boolean Default
false |
label label |
The dialog's label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label, as it is required for
proper accessibility. If you need to display HTML, use the
label slot instead.Type
string Default
'' |
withHeader with-header |
Renders the dialog with a header.
boolean Default
false |
withFooter with-footer |
Renders the dialog with a footer.
boolean Default
false |
lightDismiss light-dismiss |
When enabled, the dialog will be closed when the user clicks outside of it.
boolean Default
false |
Learn more about events.
Name | Description |
wa-show |
Emitted when the dialog opens. |
wa-after-show |
Emitted after the dialog opens and all animations are complete. |
wa-hide |
Emitted when the dialog is requested to close. Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the dialog from closing. You can inspect event.detail.source to see which element caused the dialog to close. If the source is the dialog element itself, the user has pressed Escape or the dialog has been closed programmatically. Avoid using this unless closing the dialog will result in destructive behavior such as data loss. |
wa-after-hide |
Emitted after the dialog closes and all animations are complete. |
Learn more about CSS parts.
Name | Description |
base |
The inner <dialog> used to render this component. |
header |
The dialog's header. This element wraps the title and header actions. |
header-actions |
Optional actions to add to the header. Works best with <wa-icon-button> . |
title |
The dialog's title. |
close-button |
The close button, a <wa-icon-button> . |
close-button__base |
The close button's exported base part. |
body |
The dialog's body. |
footer |
The dialog's footer. |
This component automatically imports the following elements. Sub-dependencies, if any exist, will also be included in this list.
The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.
To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.
import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.10/dist/components/dialog/dialog.js';