3.0.0-alpha.12 Alpha

Format Bytes

<wa-format-bytes> Since 2.0 Stable

Formats a number as a human readable bytes value.

The file is in size.

<div class="format-bytes-overview">
  The file is <wa-format-bytes value="1000"></wa-format-bytes> in size. <br /><br />
  <wa-input type="number" value="1000" label="Number to Format" style="max-width: 180px;"></wa-input>

  const container = document.querySelector('.format-bytes-overview');
  const formatter = container.querySelector('wa-format-bytes');
  const input = container.querySelector('wa-input');

  input.addEventListener('input', () => (formatter.value = input.value || 0));



Formatting Bytes

Set the value attribute to a number to get the value in bytes.

<wa-format-bytes value="12"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200000"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200000000"></wa-format-bytes>


Formatting Bits

To get the value in bits, set the unit attribute to bit.

<wa-format-bytes value="12" unit="bit"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200" unit="bit"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200000" unit="bit"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200000000" unit="bit"></wa-format-bytes>



Use the lang attribute to set the number formatting locale.

<wa-format-bytes value="12" lang="de"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200" lang="de"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200000" lang="de"></wa-format-bytes><br />
<wa-format-bytes value="1200000000" lang="de"></wa-format-bytes>


Attributes & Properties

Learn more about attributes and properties.

Name Description Reflects
The number to format in bytes.
Type number
Default 0
The type of unit to display.
Type 'byte' | 'bit'
Default 'byte'
Determines how to display the result, e.g. "100 bytes", "100 b", or "100b".
Type 'long' | 'short' | 'narrow'
Default 'short'


The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.

CDN npm React

To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.

import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.12/dist/components/format-bytes/format-bytes.js';
Coming soon! Coming soon!
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