3.0.0-alpha.4 Alpha
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Menu Item

<wa-menu-item> Since 2.0 stable

Menu items provide options for the user to pick from in a menu.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Checkbox Disabled Prefix Icon Suffix Icon
<wa-menu style="max-width: 200px;">
  <wa-menu-item>Option 1</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item>Option 2</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item>Option 3</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" checked>Checkbox</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item disabled>Disabled</wa-menu-item>
    Prefix Icon
    <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="gift" variant="solid"></wa-icon>
    Suffix Icon
    <wa-icon slot="suffix" name="heart" variant="solid"></wa-icon>


Prefix & Suffix

Add content to the start and end of menu items using the prefix and suffix slots.

Home Messages 12 Settings
<wa-menu style="max-width: 200px;">
    <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="house" variant="solid"></wa-icon>

    <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="envelope" variant="solid"></wa-icon>
    <wa-badge slot="suffix" variant="brand" pill>12</wa-badge>


    <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="gear" variant="solid"></wa-icon>


Add the disabled attribute to disable the menu item so it cannot be selected.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
<wa-menu style="max-width: 200px;">
  <wa-menu-item>Option 1</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item disabled>Option 2</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item>Option 3</wa-menu-item>


Use the loading attribute to indicate that a menu item is busy. Like a disabled menu item, clicks will be suppressed until the loading state is removed.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
<wa-menu style="max-width: 200px;">
  <wa-menu-item>Option 1</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item loading>Option 2</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item>Option 3</wa-menu-item>

Checkbox Menu Items

Set the type attribute to checkbox to create a menu item that will toggle on and off when selected. You can use the checked attribute to set the initial state.

Checkbox menu items are visually indistinguishable from regular menu items. Their ability to be toggled is primarily inferred from context, much like you'd find in the menu of a native app.

Autosave Check Spelling Word Wrap
<wa-menu style="max-width: 200px;">
  <wa-menu-item type="checkbox">Autosave</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" checked>Check Spelling</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item type="checkbox">Word Wrap</wa-menu-item>

Value & Selection

The value attribute can be used to assign a hidden value, such as a unique identifier, to a menu item. When an item is selected, the wa-select event will be emitted and a reference to the item will be available at event.detail.item. You can use this reference to access the selected item's value, its checked state, and more.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Checkbox 4 Checkbox 5 Checkbox 6
<wa-menu class="menu-value" style="max-width: 200px;">
  <wa-menu-item value="opt-1">Option 1</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item value="opt-2">Option 2</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item value="opt-3">Option 3</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" value="opt-4">Checkbox 4</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" value="opt-5">Checkbox 5</wa-menu-item>
  <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" value="opt-6">Checkbox 6</wa-menu-item>

  const menu = document.querySelector('.menu-value');

  menu.addEventListener('wa-select', event => {
    const item = event.detail.item;

    // Log value
    if (item.type === 'checkbox') {
      console.log(`Selected value: ${item.value} (${item.checked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'})`);
    } else {
      console.log(`Selected value: ${item.value}`);


Name Description
(default) The menu item's label.
prefix Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the menu item.
suffix Used to append an icon or similar element to the menu item.
submenu Used to denote a nested menu.


Name Description Reflects
The type of menu item to render. To use checked, this value must be set to checkbox.
Type 'normal' | 'checkbox'
Default 'normal'
Draws the item in a checked state.
Type boolean
Default false
A unique value to store in the menu item. This can be used as a way to identify menu items when selected.
Type string
Default ''
Draws the menu item in a loading state.
Type boolean
Default false
Draws the menu item in a disabled state, preventing selection.
Type boolean
Default false
Used for SSR purposes. If true, will render a ">" caret icon for showing that it has a submenu, but will be non-interactive.
Type boolean
Default false


Name Description Arguments
getTextLabel() Returns a text label based on the contents of the menu item's default slot.

CSS custom properties

Name Description
The menu item's background color on hover.
The label color on hover.
The distance submenus shift to overlap the parent menu.
Default -2px

CSS parts

Name Description
base The component's base wrapper.
checked-icon The checked icon, which is only visible when the menu item is checked.
prefix The prefix container.
label The menu item label.
suffix The suffix container.
spinner The spinner that shows when the menu item is in the loading state.
spinner__base The spinner's base part.
submenu-icon The submenu icon, visible only when the menu item has a submenu (not yet implemented).


This component automatically imports the following elements. Subdependencies, if any exist, will also be included in this list.


The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.

CDN npm React

To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.

import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.4/dist/components/menu-item/menu-item.js';
Coming soon! Coming soon!
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