3.0.0-alpha.10 Alpha

Tab Group

<wa-tab-group> Since 2.0 Stable

Tab groups organize content into a container that shows one section at a time.

Tab groups make use of tabs and tab panels. Each panel should have a name that's unique within the tab group, and tabs should have a panel attribute that points to the respective panel's name.

General Custom Advanced Disabled This is the general tab panel. This is the custom tab panel. This is the advanced tab panel. This is a disabled tab panel.
  <wa-tab panel="general">General</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="custom">Custom</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="advanced">Advanced</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>


Setting the Active Tab

To make a tab active, set the active attribute to the name of the appropriate panel.

General Custom Advanced This is the general tab panel. This is the custom tab panel. This is the advanced tab panel.
<wa-tab-group active="advanced">
  <wa-tab panel="general">General</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="custom">Custom</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="advanced">Advanced</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>

Tabs on Bottom

Tabs can be shown on the bottom by setting placement to bottom.

General Custom Advanced Disabled This is the general tab panel. This is the custom tab panel. This is the advanced tab panel. This is a disabled tab panel.
<wa-tab-group placement="bottom">
  <wa-tab panel="general">General</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="custom">Custom</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="advanced">Advanced</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>

Tabs on Start

Tabs can be shown on the starting side by setting placement to start.

General Custom Advanced Disabled This is the general tab panel. This is the custom tab panel. This is the advanced tab panel. This is a disabled tab panel.
<wa-tab-group placement="start">
  <wa-tab panel="general">General</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="custom">Custom</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="advanced">Advanced</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>

Tabs on End

Tabs can be shown on the ending side by setting placement to end.

General Custom Advanced Disabled This is the general tab panel. This is the custom tab panel. This is the advanced tab panel. This is a disabled tab panel.
<wa-tab-group placement="end">
  <wa-tab panel="general">General</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="custom">Custom</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="advanced">Advanced</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>

Closable Tabs

You can make a tab closable by adding a close button next to the tab and inside the nav slot. You can position the button to your liking with CSS and handle close/restore behaviors by removing/appending the tab as desired. Note the use of tabindex="-1", which prevents the close button from interfering with the tab order. The close button is still recognizable to the virtual cursor in screen readers.

General Closable Advanced This is the general tab panel. This is the closable tab panel. This is the advanced tab panel.
Restore tab
<wa-tab-group class="tabs-closable">
  <wa-tab panel="general">General</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="closable">Closable</wa-tab>
  <wa-icon-button slot="nav" tabindex="-1" name="xmark" label="Close the closable tab"></wa-icon-button>
  <wa-tab panel="closable-2">Advanced</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="closable">This is the closable tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>


<wa-button disabled>Restore tab</wa-button>

  .tabs-closable wa-icon-button {
    position: relative;
    left: -1rem;
    top: .75rem;  }

  const tabGroup = document.querySelector('.tabs-closable');
  const generalTab = tabGroup.querySelectorAll('wa-tab')[0];
  const closableTab = tabGroup.querySelectorAll('wa-tab')[1];
  const closeButton = tabGroup.querySelector('wa-icon-button');
  const restoreButton = tabGroup.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling;

  // Remove the tab when the close button is clicked
  closeButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    restoreButton.disabled = false;

  // Restore the tab
  restoreButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    restoreButton.disabled = true;
    generalTab.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', closeButton);
    generalTab.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', closableTab);

Scrolling Tabs

When there are more tabs than horizontal space allows, the nav will be scrollable.

Tab 1 Tab 2 Tab 3 Tab 4 Tab 5 Tab 6 Tab 7 Tab 8 Tab 9 Tab 10 Tab 11 Tab 12 Tab 13 Tab 14 Tab 15 Tab 16 Tab 17 Tab 18 Tab 19 Tab 20 Tab panel 1 Tab panel 2 Tab panel 3 Tab panel 4 Tab panel 5 Tab panel 6 Tab panel 7 Tab panel 8 Tab panel 9 Tab panel 10 Tab panel 11 Tab panel 12 Tab panel 13 Tab panel 14 Tab panel 15 Tab panel 16 Tab panel 17 Tab panel 18 Tab panel 19 Tab panel 20
  <wa-tab panel="tab-1">Tab 1</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-2">Tab 2</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-3">Tab 3</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-4">Tab 4</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-5">Tab 5</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-6">Tab 6</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-7">Tab 7</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-8">Tab 8</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-9">Tab 9</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-10">Tab 10</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-11">Tab 11</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-12">Tab 12</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-13">Tab 13</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-14">Tab 14</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-15">Tab 15</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-16">Tab 16</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-17">Tab 17</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-18">Tab 18</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-19">Tab 19</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="tab-20">Tab 20</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-1">Tab panel 1</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-2">Tab panel 2</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-3">Tab panel 3</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-4">Tab panel 4</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-5">Tab panel 5</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-6">Tab panel 6</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-7">Tab panel 7</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-8">Tab panel 8</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-9">Tab panel 9</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-10">Tab panel 10</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-11">Tab panel 11</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-12">Tab panel 12</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-13">Tab panel 13</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-14">Tab panel 14</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-15">Tab panel 15</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-16">Tab panel 16</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-17">Tab panel 17</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-18">Tab panel 18</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-19">Tab panel 19</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="tab-20">Tab panel 20</wa-tab-panel>

Manual Activation

When focused, keyboard users can press Left or Right to select the desired tab. By default, the corresponding tab panel will be shown immediately (automatic activation). You can change this behavior by setting activation="manual" which will require the user to press Space or Enter before showing the tab panel (manual activation).

General Custom Advanced Disabled This is the general tab panel. This is the custom tab panel. This is the advanced tab panel. This is a disabled tab panel.
<wa-tab-group activation="manual">
  <wa-tab panel="general">General</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="custom">Custom</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="advanced">Advanced</wa-tab>
  <wa-tab panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</wa-tab>

  <wa-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>
  <wa-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</wa-tab-panel>


Learn more about using slots.

Name Description
(default) Used for grouping tab panels in the tab group. Must be <wa-tab-panel> elements.
nav Used for grouping tabs in the tab group. Must be <wa-tab> elements. Note that <wa-tab> will set this slot on itself automatically.

Attributes & Properties

Learn more about attributes and properties.

Name Description Reflects
Sets the active tab.
Type string
Default ''
The placement of the tabs.
Type 'top' | 'bottom' | 'start' | 'end'
Default 'top'
When set to auto, navigating tabs with the arrow keys will instantly show the corresponding tab panel. When set to manual, the tab will receive focus but will not show until the user presses spacebar or enter.
Type 'auto' | 'manual'
Default 'auto'
Disables the scroll arrows that appear when tabs overflow.
Type boolean
Default false


Learn more about events.

Name Description
wa-tab-show Emitted when a tab is shown.
wa-tab-hide Emitted when a tab is hidden.

CSS custom properties

Learn more about CSS custom properties.

Name Description
The color of the active tab indicator.
The color of the indicator's track (the line that separates tabs from panels).
The width of the indicator's track (the line that separates tabs from panels).

CSS parts

Learn more about CSS parts.

Name Description
base The component's base wrapper.
nav The tab group's navigation container where tabs are slotted in.
tabs The container that wraps the tabs.
body The tab group's body where tab panels are slotted in.
scroll-button The previous/next scroll buttons that show when tabs are scrollable, an <wa-icon-button>.
scroll-button-start The starting scroll button.
scroll-button-end The ending scroll button.
scroll-button__base The scroll button's exported base part.


This component automatically imports the following elements. Sub-dependencies, if any exist, will also be included in this list.


The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.

CDN npm React

To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.

import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.10/dist/components/tab-group/tab-group.js';
Coming soon! Coming soon!
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