Callouts are used to display important messages inline.
<article class="wa-callout"> This is a callout style, applied to a standard article element. </article>
Use the variant utility classes to set the callout's color variant.
<article class="wa-callout wa-brand"> <strong>This is super informative</strong><br /> You can tell by how pretty the callout is. </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-success"> <strong>Your changes have been saved</strong><br /> You can safely exit the app now. </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-neutral"> <strong>Your settings have been updated</strong><br /> Settings will take effect on next login. </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-warning"> <strong>Your session has ended</strong><br /> Please login again to continue. </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-danger"> <strong>Your account has been deleted</strong><br /> We're very sorry to see you go! </article>
Use the appearance utility classes to change the callout's visual appearance (the default is outlined filled
<article class="wa-callout wa-brand wa-outlined wa-accent"> This <strong>accent</strong> callout is also <strong>outlined</strong> </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-brand wa-accent"> This <strong>accent</strong> callout draws attention without an outline </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-brand wa-outlined wa-filled"> This callout is both <strong>filled</strong> and <strong>outlined</strong> </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-brand wa-filled"> This callout is only <strong>filled</strong> </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-brand wa-outlined"> Here's an <strong>outlined</strong> callout </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-brand wa-plain"> No bells and whistles on this <strong>plain</strong> callout </article>
Use the size utility classes to change a callout's size.
<article class="wa-callout wa-brand wa-outlined wa-accent wa-size-l"> This is meant to be very emphasized. </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout"> Normal-sized callout. </article> <br /> <article class="wa-callout wa-plain wa-plain wa-size-s"> Just a small tip! </article>