3.0.0-alpha.12 Alpha
Design Tokens



Border style controls the standard line shape of borders throughout Web Awesome.

Custom Property Default Value Preview
--wa-border-style solid


Border widths use rem units in order to scale proportionately with the root font size.

Custom Property Default Value Preview
--wa-border-width-s 0.0625rem (1px)
--wa-border-width-m 0.125rem (2px)
--wa-border-width-l 0.1875rem (3px)

To scale all borders at once, you can use the --wa-border-width-scale property which specifies a multiplier on border-width. Values < 1 make all borders uniformly thinner, while values > 1 make them thicker.


Border radius controls the corners of Web Awesome components.

Common border radius properties allow you to achieve specific shapes beyond your theme's preferred corner styles.

Custom Property Default Value Preview
--wa-border-radius-pill 9999px
--wa-border-radius-circle 50%
--wa-border-radius-square 0px

Size-based border radius properties allow you to customize the overall roundness of Web Awesome components. These use rem units in order to scale proportionately with the root font size.

Custom Property Default Value Preview
--wa-border-radius-s 0.1875rem (3px)
--wa-border-radius-m 0.375rem (6px)
--wa-border-radius-l 0.75rem (12px)

To scale all border radii at once, you can use the --wa-border-radius-scale property which specifies a multiplier on border-radius. Values < 1 make corners sharper, while values > 1 make them rounder.

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