Shadows indicate elevation and, often, interactivity. Web Awesome offers highly modular shadow properties to easily create custom shadow effects or transform elements based on specific shadow qualities. Together with --wa-color-shadow
, these tokens create realistic shadows for Web Awesome components.
Shadows are constructed using corresponding offset-x, offset-y, blur, and spread properties, detailed in the sections below. In Web Awesome, shadows use a size-based scale where larger shadows have greater offset and blur values to indicate greater distance from the surface below.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-shadow-s |
--wa-shadow-m |
--wa-shadow-l |
Any shadow may be implemented as an inner box shadow using the inset
keyword, e.g. box-shadow: inset var(--wa-shadow-s);
Each offset-x property uses a calc()
function with --wa-shadow-offset-x-scale
to uniformly scale horizontal offset values. By default, this multiplier is 0
. The table below lists the result of the calculation.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-shadow-offset-x-s |
0rem |
--wa-shadow-offset-x-m |
0rem |
--wa-shadow-offset-x-l |
0rem |
Each offset-y property uses a calc()
function with --wa-shadow-offset-y-scale
to uniformly scale vertical offset values. By default, this multiplier is 1
. The table below lists the result of the calculation.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-shadow-offset-y-s |
0.125rem (2px) |
--wa-shadow-offset-y-m |
0.25rem (4px) |
--wa-shadow-offset-y-l |
0.5rem (8px) |
Each blur property uses a calc()
function with --wa-shadow-blur-scale
to uniformly scale blur values. By default, this multiplier is 1
. The table below lists the result of the calculation.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-shadow-blur-s |
0.125rem (2px) |
--wa-shadow-blur-m |
0.25rem (4px) |
--wa-shadow-blur-l |
0.5rem (8px) |
Each spread property uses a calc()
function with --wa-shadow-spread-scale
to uniformly scale spread values. By default, this multiplier is -0.5
. The table below lists the result of the calculation.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-shadow-spread-s |
-0.0625rem (-1px) |
--wa-shadow-spread-m |
-0.125rem (-2px) |
--wa-shadow-spread-l |
-0.25rem (-4px) |