3.0.0-alpha.4 Alpha
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Breadcrumb Item

<wa-breadcrumb-item> Since 2.0 stable

Breadcrumb Items are used inside breadcrumbs to represent different links.

Home Clothing Shirts
    <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="house" variant="solid"></wa-icon>

Additional demonstrations can be found in the breadcrumb examples.


Name Description
(default) The breadcrumb item's label.
prefix An optional prefix, usually an icon or icon button.
suffix An optional suffix, usually an icon or icon button.
separator The separator to use for the breadcrumb item. This will only change the separator for this item. If you want to change it for all items in the group, set the separator on <wa-breadcrumb> instead.


Name Description Reflects
Optional URL to direct the user to when the breadcrumb item is activated. When set, a link will be rendered internally. When unset, a button will be rendered instead.
Type string | undefined
Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when href is set.
Type '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top' | undefined
The rel attribute to use on the link. Only used when href is set.
Type string
Default 'noreferrer noopener'

CSS parts

Name Description
base The component's base wrapper.
label The breadcrumb item's label.
prefix The container that wraps the prefix.
suffix The container that wraps the suffix.
separator The container that wraps the separator.


The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.

CDN npm React

To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.

import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.4/dist/components/breadcrumb-item/breadcrumb-item.js';
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