Dropdowns expose additional content that "drops down" in a panel.
Dropdowns consist of a trigger and a panel. By default, activating the trigger will expose the panel and interacting outside of the panel will close it.
Dropdowns are designed to work well with menus to provide a list of options the user can select from. However, dropdowns can also be used in lower-level applications (e.g. color picker). The API gives you complete control over showing, hiding, and positioning the panel.
<wa-dropdown> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Dropdown</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item>Dropdown Item 1</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Dropdown Item 2</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Dropdown Item 3</wa-menu-item> <wa-divider></wa-divider> <wa-menu-item type="checkbox" checked>Checkbox</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item disabled>Disabled</wa-menu-item> <wa-divider></wa-divider> <wa-menu-item> Prefix <wa-icon slot="prefix" name="gift" variant="solid"></wa-icon> </wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item> Suffix Icon <wa-icon slot="suffix" name="heart" variant="solid"></wa-icon> </wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown>
When dropdowns are used with menus, you can listen for the wa-select
event to determine which menu item was selected. The menu item element will be exposed in event.detail.item
. You can set value
props to make it easier to identify commands.
<div class="dropdown-selection"> <wa-dropdown> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Edit</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item value="cut">Cut</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="copy">Copy</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="paste">Paste</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown> </div> <script> const container = document.querySelector('.dropdown-selection'); const dropdown = container.querySelector('wa-dropdown'); dropdown.addEventListener('wa-select', event => { const selectedItem = event.detail.item; console.log(selectedItem.value); }); </script>
Alternatively, you can listen for the click
event on individual menu items. Note that, using this approach, disabled menu items will still emit a click
<div class="dropdown-selection-alt"> <wa-dropdown> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Edit</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item value="cut">Cut</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="copy">Copy</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="paste">Paste</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown> </div> <script> const container = document.querySelector('.dropdown-selection-alt'); const cut = container.querySelector('wa-menu-item[value="cut"]'); const copy = container.querySelector('wa-menu-item[value="copy"]'); const paste = container.querySelector('wa-menu-item[value="paste"]'); cut.addEventListener('click', () => console.log('cut')); copy.addEventListener('click', () => console.log('copy')); paste.addEventListener('click', () => console.log('paste')); </script>
The preferred placement of the dropdown can be set with the placement
attribute. Note that the actual position may vary to ensure the panel remains in the viewport.
<wa-dropdown placement="top-start"> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Edit</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item>Cut</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Copy</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Paste</wa-menu-item> <wa-divider></wa-divider> <wa-menu-item>Find</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Replace</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown>
The distance from the panel to the trigger can be customized using the distance
attribute. This value is specified in pixels.
<wa-dropdown distance="30"> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Edit</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item>Cut</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Copy</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Paste</wa-menu-item> <wa-divider></wa-divider> <wa-menu-item>Find</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Replace</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown>
The offset of the panel along the trigger can be customized using the skidding
attribute. This value is specified in pixels.
<wa-dropdown skidding="30"> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Edit</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item>Cut</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Copy</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Paste</wa-menu-item> <wa-divider></wa-divider> <wa-menu-item>Find</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Replace</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown>
To create a submenu, nest an <wa-menu slot="submenu">
element in a menu item.
<wa-dropdown> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Edit</wa-button> <wa-menu style="max-width: 200px;"> <wa-menu-item value="undo">Undo</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="redo">Redo</wa-menu-item> <wa-divider></wa-divider> <wa-menu-item value="cut">Cut</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="copy">Copy</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="paste">Paste</wa-menu-item> <wa-divider></wa-divider> <wa-menu-item> Find <wa-menu slot="submenu"> <wa-menu-item value="find">Find…</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="find-previous">Find Next</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="find-next">Find Previous</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item> Transformations <wa-menu slot="submenu"> <wa-menu-item value="uppercase">Make uppercase</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="lowercase">Make lowercase</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item value="capitalize">Capitalize</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown>
As a UX best practice, avoid using more than one level of submenu when possible.
Dropdown panels will be clipped if they're inside a container that has overflow: auto|hidden
. The hoist
attribute forces the panel to use a fixed positioning strategy, allowing it to break out of the container. In this case, the panel will be positioned relative to its containing block, which is usually the viewport unless an ancestor uses a transform
, perspective
, or filter
. Refer to this page for more details.
<div class="dropdown-hoist"> <wa-dropdown> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>No Hoist</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item>Item 1</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Item 2</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Item 3</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown> <wa-dropdown hoist> <wa-button slot="trigger" caret>Hoist</wa-button> <wa-menu> <wa-menu-item>Item 1</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Item 2</wa-menu-item> <wa-menu-item>Item 3</wa-menu-item> </wa-menu> </wa-dropdown> </div> <style> .dropdown-hoist { position: relative; border: solid 2px var(--wa-color-surface-border); padding: var(--wa-space-m); overflow: hidden; } </style>
Learn more about using slots.
Name | Description |
(default) | The dropdown's main content. |
The dropdown's trigger, usually a <wa-button> element. |
Learn more about attributes and properties.
Name | Description | Reflects | |
open open |
Indicates whether or not the dropdown is open. You can toggle this attribute to show and hide the dropdown, or you
can use the
show() and hide() methods and this attribute will reflect the dropdown's open state.Type
boolean Default
false |
placement placement |
The preferred placement of the dropdown panel. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the panel
inside of the viewport.
| 'top-start'
| 'top-end'
| 'bottom'
| 'bottom-start'
| 'bottom-end'
| 'right'
| 'right-start'
| 'right-end'
| 'left'
| 'left-start'
| 'left-end' Default
'bottom-start' |
disabled disabled |
Disables the dropdown so the panel will not open.
boolean Default
false |
stayOpenOnSelect stay-open-on-select |
By default, the dropdown is closed when an item is selected. This attribute will keep it open instead. Useful for
dropdowns that allow for multiple interactions.
boolean Default
false |
containingElement |
The dropdown will close when the user interacts outside of this element (e.g. clicking). Useful for composing other
components that use a dropdown internally.
HTMLElement | undefined |
distance distance |
The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel away from its trigger.
number Default
0 |
skidding skidding |
The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel along its trigger.
number Default
0 |
hoist hoist |
Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with
overflow: auto|scroll . Hoisting uses a fixed positioning strategy that works in many, but not all, scenarios.Type
boolean Default
false |
sync sync |
Syncs the popup width or height to that of the trigger element.
'width' | 'height' | 'both' | undefined Default
undefined |
Learn more about methods.
Name | Description | Arguments |
show() |
Shows the dropdown panel. | |
hide() |
Hides the dropdown panel | |
reposition() |
Instructs the dropdown menu to reposition. Useful when the position or size of the trigger changes when the menu is activated. |
Learn more about events.
Name | Description |
wa-show |
Emitted when the dropdown opens. |
wa-after-show |
Emitted after the dropdown opens and all animations are complete. |
wa-hide |
Emitted when the dropdown closes. |
wa-after-hide |
Emitted after the dropdown closes and all animations are complete. |
Learn more about CSS custom properties.
Name | Description |
--box-shadow |
The shadow effects around the dropdown's edges.
Learn more about CSS parts.
Name | Description |
base |
The component's base wrapper, a <wa-popup> element. |
base__popup |
The popup's exported popup part. Use this to target the tooltip's popup container. |
trigger |
The container that wraps the trigger. |
panel |
The panel that gets shown when the dropdown is open. |
This component automatically imports the following elements. Sub-dependencies, if any exist, will also be included in this list.
The autoloader is the recommended way to import components. If you prefer to do it manually, use one of the following code snippets.
To manually import this component from the CDN, use the following code.
import 'https://early.webawesome.com/webawesome@3.0.0-alpha.10/dist/components/dropdown/dropdown.js';