For components that share similar qualities, Web Awesome includes custom properties to change the appearance of these related components all at once.
Components such as input, select,
textarea, checkbox, etc. share
a number of styles to give your forms a cohesive appearance. Web Awesome defines custom properties for these
styles using the format --wa-form-control-{style}
Not every form control uses all of these custom properties. For example, <wa-radio>
its own height and border radius to achieve its familiar shape but shares many other styles with other
components for a cohesive look and feel. Similarly, <wa-button>
defines many of its own
styles but matches the height and border width of other form controls.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-form-control-background-color |
var(--wa-color-surface-default) |
--wa-form-control-border-style |
var(--wa-border-style) |
--wa-form-control-border-width |
var(--wa-border-width-s) |
--wa-form-control-border-radius |
var(--wa-border-radius-s) |
--wa-form-control-activated-color |
var(--wa-color-brand-fill-loud) |
--wa-form-control-resting-color |
var(--wa-color-neutral-border-loud) |
--wa-form-control-label-color |
var(--wa-color-neutral-border-loud) |
--wa-form-control-label-font-weight |
var(--wa-font-weight-normal) |
--wa-form-control-label-line-height |
var(--wa-line-height-normal) |
--wa-form-control-value-color |
var(--wa-color-text-normal) |
--wa-form-control-value-font-weight |
var(--wa-font-weight-body) |
--wa-form-control-value-line-height |
var(--wa-line-height-condensed) |
--wa-form-control-placeholder-color |
var(--wa-color-gray-60) |
--wa-form-control-height-s |
calc(var(--wa-space-xs) * 2 + var(--wa-font-size-s) * var(--wa-form-control-value-line-height))
--wa-form-control-height-m |
calc(var(--wa-space-s) * 2 + var(--wa-font-size-m) * var(--wa-form-control-value-line-height))
--wa-form-control-height-l |
calc(var(--wa-space-m) * 2 + var(--wa-font-size-l) * var(--wa-form-control-value-line-height))
--wa-form-control-required-content |
'*' |
--wa-form-control-required-content-color |
inherit |
--wa-form-control-required-content-offset |
-0.1em |
<form class="wa-block-spacing-l"> <wa-input label="Input" placeholder="Placeholder"></wa-input> <wa-select label="Select" value="option-1"> <wa-option value="option-1">Option 1</wa-option> <wa-option value="option-2">Option 2</wa-option> <wa-option value="option-3">Option 3</wa-option> </wa-select> <wa-textarea label="Textarea" placeholder="Placeholder"></wa-textarea> <wa-radio-group label="Radio group" name="a" value="1"> <wa-radio value="1">Option 1</wa-radio> <wa-radio value="2">Option 2</wa-radio> <wa-radio value="3">Option 3</wa-radio> </wa-radio-group> <wa-checkbox>Checkbox</wa-checkbox> <wa-switch>Switch</wa-switch> <wa-range label="Range"></wa-range> <wa-button>Button</wa-button> </form> <style> .wa-block-spacing-l > * + *, wa-radio { display: block; margin-block-start: var(--wa-space-l); } wa-radio { margin-block-start: var(--wa-space-2xs); } wa-radio, wa-checkbox, wa-switch, wa-button { width: fit-content; } </style>
Panels consist of components with larger, contained surface areas like callout, card, details, and dialog.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-panel-border-style |
var(--wa-border-style) |
--wa-panel-border-width |
var(--wa-border-width-s) |
--wa-panel-border-radius |
var(--wa-border-radius-m) |
, at your service.
<div class="wa-block-spacing-l"> <wa-callout> <wa-icon slot="icon" name="circle-info" variant="regular"></wa-icon> This is a simple callout with an icon. </wa-callout> <wa-card>Here's a basic, no-nonsense card.</wa-card> <wa-details summary="Details"> <code>wa-details</code>, at your service. </wa-details> </div> <style> .wa-block-spacing-l > * + * { display: block; margin-block-start: var(--wa-space-l); } </style>
Tooltip styles are shared between the tooltip component and the tooltip implementation in range.
Custom Property | Default Value |
--wa-tooltip-arrow-size |
0.375rem (6px) |
--wa-tooltip-background-color |
var(--wa-color-neutral-fill-loud) |
--wa-tooltip-border-radius |
var(--wa-border-radius-s) |
--wa-tooltip-content-color |
var(--wa-color-neutral-on-loud) |
--wa-tooltip-font-size |
var(--wa-font-size-s) |
--wa-tooltip-line-height |
var(--wa-line-height-normal) |
<wa-icon-button id="bullseye-example" label="Button" name="bullseye"></wa-icon-button> <wa-tooltip for="bullseye-example" open trigger="manual">This is a tooltip</wa-tooltip>